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Advanced React & GraphQL

Build a full-stack online store using React, Next.js, and GraphQL with Wes Bos' hands-on course. Learn modern tech like Apollo Client, Keystone.js, and testing best practices.

$69.5 USD
Advanced React & GraphQL

Advanced React & GraphQL is a comprehensive course designed to teach you how to build a real-world full-stack application with React, Next.js, and GraphQL. Together, you'll create "Sick Fits," an online clothing store complete with user authentication, permissions, image uploads, Stripe payments, and more. The course leverages modern tools like Apollo Client for data caching, Keystone.js for backend GraphQL APIs, and Styled Components for UI.

This course is perfect for React developers looking to expand into full-stack JavaScript development. You'll cover frontend and backend concepts, custom hooks, state management, testing with Jest, and deployment. Whether you're learning GraphQL from scratch or honing advanced React skills, this course has over 70 detailed video lessons to help you become proficient in modern full-stack development. Ideal for devs with React basics experience.

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