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Exploring Alpine.js

Master advanced Alpine.js techniques with this 2.5-hour course—covering animations, external data, nested components, and real-world examples.

$49 USD
Exploring Alpine.js

Exploring Alpine.js is a comprehensive video series (29 lessons, 2h 32m total) designed to help developers go beyond Alpine.js basics. It walks you through organizing reusable components, handling external data, and adding animations—all while leveraging advanced features like native events and mutation observers. Whether you're integrating small interactions on a WordPress site or building more dynamic UIs, this course boosts your Alpine.js skills.

Structured into five modules named after Alpine peaks, the course focuses on practical scenarios like real-world components (e.g., dynamic datacards and image marquees) and external data management with caching and filtering. You'll also learn to add animations with intersection triggers and Lottie, ensuring your interfaces are interactive and polished. Ideal for front-end developers ready to take their reactive designs up a notch!

Summarized by AI. May contain affiliate links.